Cultural Differences Group Activity

By; Daria Witt

Brooklyn International High School - Brooklyn, New York


In this activity you will describe the customs followed by different cultures in a variety of situations.  Look at the following situations and think about the customs that are most commonly followed in the United States.  Then write down the customs most often followed in your culture.  Interview other IEARN students (via the internet) about the customs most often followed in their cultures.  Notice which customs are most similar and which ones are most different.



Customs in the United States

Custom in Your Home Country (write name of country)


Custom in ______________

Custom in ______________


Greeting a friend











Meeting someone for the first time











Marriage Proposals or ceremonies























Customs in the United States

Custom in Your Home Country (write name of country)


Custom in ______________

Custom in ______________


Dating (Do boys and girls date?  If so are they accompanied by anyone else?  At what age are they allowed to date?)







Showing respect to an older person (How do people show respect to an older person?)







Eating (What do people use to eat?  What are other customs around eating?  Are certain foods forbidden?  What are some typical foods eaten?









Eye contact

(Are children allowed to look adults in the eyes?  Are women and men allowed to look one another in the eyes?








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